Before you start, if you’re looking for a comprehensive overview of using HIPAAtizer with WiX, including its benefits and features for HIPAA compliance, please visit our main HIPAA Compliant Forms for WiX page.

You have two options for embedding a published HIPAAtizer form into your WiX website: using JavaScript code or an iFrame.

JavaScript Code Embedding

When you use JavaScript code, the form will automatically resize the WiX container to match the form’s height.

Here’s how to embed a HIPAAtizer form via JavaScript:

1. From your WiX site dashboard, click on the “Settings” menu.

2. Navigate to the “Advanced” section and click on “Custom Code”.

3. Click on “Add Code” in the “Header” section.

4. In the HIPAAtizer app navigate to the Form Settings of the form you need to integrate, then go to the “Integrations” tub and select “Wix”.

5. Copy the code from Step 1 and paste the code into the “Header” section of the Custom Code settings in WiX. To embed multiple forms on your website, you only need to add this script a single time.

6. Click on “Add Code” in the “Body-End” section.

7. Copy the code from Step 3 and paste the code into the “Body-End” section of the Custom Code settings in WiX.

8. Give a descriptive name to your code snippet, for example, “New Patient Form”.

9. Use the “Add Code to Pages: All Pages” setting exclusively if you plan to embed the form on every page of your website. If the form is intended for specific pages only, avoid selecting the “All Pages” option.

10. In the “Place Code in” section, select “Body-end”.

11. Click on “Apply” to save the changes.

12. Ensure that the code snippet is enabled.

Next, to add the form to a specific page:

13. Go to the “Site & Apps” -> “Website” in WiX and click on the “Edit Site” button.

14. Select the page on which you want to install the HIPAAtizer form.

15. Add a new paragraph and insert the form’s ID into it.

iFrame Embedding

If you prefer to use the iFrame method, follow these steps:

1. Add an Embed HTML element to your WiX page.

2. Paste the HTML code below into the Embed HTML element.

To learn more about maintaining HIPAA compliance with WiX or to explore additional features, visit our WiX HIPAA compliance page.

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