How to link multiple forms Step 1.In order to link multiple forms go to the “Form Packets” tab: Step 2.Click on “Create Form Packet” button: Step 3.In the “Create Form Packet” window, you can select the forms that you want to link in a form packet. Additionally, you can...
How to create or add “For Internal Use Only” fields Step 1.To make a row “For Internal Use Only”, click on the edit button to open the Settings box: Step 2.Сlick on “Not Visible to External Clients” and then “Submit”: Step 3.Upon clicking the “Submit” button, a yellow border...
Step 1.To enable“Save and Continue Later”button,open the Form Settings: Step 2.Go to“Advanced Form Settings”and tick the checkbox“Save and Continue Later”
These instructions are for Developers and others operating in “Developer” Mode. To make a form HIPAA Compliant and remove the watermark that appears on forms that are in a Developer’s dashboard, a Covered Entity account must be activated with HIPAAtizer and the forms must be activated from the Covered...
How to Convert an Online Form to a Printable Form HIPAAtizer™ Form Builder is the fast and easy tool that allows you to create different types of online forms. Nonetheless, some forms still need to be printed. This page has a step by step guide on how you can...